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Advanced Protection With Crystals

Light Codes & Angelic seals of light
Learn to protect yourself and your loved ones with advanced protection protocols through Quantum energy work with crystals.
5 Week Quantum Advanced Protection Course 

To create this course and hold this space I have been through some deep initiations, I have witnessed the way, not only light moves but more importantly how the darkness moves. It is the combination of  years of extensive travel, clearing of the grids and holding the light, whilst witnessing darkness that many could not imagine. I have had the nudge to do it for a couple of years but as we reach a pivotal point in the acceleration of earths golden ascension. And 2025 brings us the opportunity to reclaim full sovereignty over our bodies, mind and spirit, to banish those energies that seek to distract and disrupt us.   


This course brings together advanced techniques of protection of the body, mind, spirit- using crystals, angelic light seals and quantum energy healing.  From energy leaks, parasitic energies, psychic attack, entanglement, extraction of entities and ways of safely releasing them.  We go further than just cutting cords, releasing, transmuting and recycling energies with forgiveness and love.



We are all one, all interwoven, and we approach this work with love, it is important to understand that in the light of source we are always protected, we have a team of angels and guides who are ready to assist us,  love is the only energy we need. This 5th dimensional template of diamond light and love is what we are moving into, but as light workers, healers, guides and teachers we must accept that we need to be vigilant and discerning with what energies we engage with and interact with as there is a push and pull on this earth now, with more light awakening there is equal measures of darkness thats being exposed. 


As more of your priests and priestess are remembering, and dedicating yourself to the expansion of the earth and your heart, more disrupting energies surface and test us. I'm noticing more instances of psychic attack, more slavery tags in the light body reactivating more mental etheric implants through the mental field to make us question ourselves and gifts, desperate confusion (fear) tactics left over from old systems.  I have always felt I am here to do the heavy lifting, the 'clean up'  because I can see these things and the patterns we have moved through in humanity with different frequencies of control.  


 I have the 'sight' to be able to witness and translate the way energies love so we can support ourselves and our expansion during this ascension cycle. This comes at the perfect time for you and your work moving forward,  I share much of my experiences of this specific work, you will learn new methods that you can implement on a daily basis to protect yourself and those you love.

Introductory overview of the focus for this

5 week advanced Protection course.


-My courses always leave room for the mystery and flow, what is needed for the group as it comes together, so more will come through for you as we move through this journey together.


  • The pillars of protection and Energy Protection protocol.

  • What does entity attachment, psychic attack look like in my experience.

  • Sitting with Black Kynite and exploring its protective missions with you.

  • We start with the foundations, How and where can you pick up disruptive energies ie- Past life and inter dimensional entanglements, people and places.

  • Scanning the body and locating distortion energy; drains, leaks, tears, hooks, cords, binds, entities Implants and all control parifinalia.  Cutting it free with Black Kynite.

  • How to safely remove it from its point of origin.

  • Protection invocations.

  • Working with the dragons as sworn protectors of the earth ways.

  • journey- saint germain and fire dragon.


Week 1- The Foundations, with the Sirian energies of Black Kynite and The Black and Gold Sirian Fire Dragons.

Week 2- Clearing Ancestral lines bringing healing release, freedom and protection for future lines.



  • Working with the cleansing and protective divine light of Selenite.

  • Ancestral cleansing, working with the mother and father line to identify and clear any curses, spells and hex's to bring healing release for your ancestors. Working with a channeled protection sigil to seal the healing so it does not repeat in the future.

  • journey- Angelic healing pods. golden christen ray.


Week 3- Protection with the Angelic legions of light, and working with Angelic seals for full light body Protection.




  • Attunement of 3 Angellic seals of light; for work on the self, loved ones, the land and sacred sites. Working with the angels of the Diamond, gold, black and platinum rays for purification.​ 


This is a highly activating course of PURIFICATION and REMEMBERANCE  to really harness your light and re-calibrate specific Atlantean hubs on the earth through the crystals.


Together we will connect with your galactic knowing of the stones and bring it forward in confidence so you may offer it to the world, the next level...

Why this course, and why now? how can it support me?


As a Reflector in Human design, a translator of energies, and someone with a lot of Scorpio in my chart I do not shy away from shadow or the dark.  when I offer 1-1 sessions or group work it is usually purification and cleansing of deep set implants and cosmic entanglements of a quantum level.  Which is normally followed by a breaking of outdated contracts, galactic treaties and agreements between races. Recently I have been shown a specific set of implants holding a vast collective of light workers back at the third eye and throat I have also been witnessing a lot of dark magic ready to release through us and in the grids. This course we will address this in a very safe, and held container. You might even be surprised at how much your systems are holding on to that you had no idea was there.


Ask anyone who has done one of my courses before (see the feedback), they clear and activate so much, my first crystals course with Saint Germain was about purification for the first 3 modules, we have to move through those layers, emptying, creating space for the expansion. 


I smile when people do find me as often they have no idea that it's for this kind of deep cleansing, its not all sprinkles and light. And some people are not prepared for the journey that unfolds.  I often wonder why I see the depths of darkness when I feel so light, and it is because I hold a high quota of light and thats the balance.   


I have always seen deep layers of implantation in people or land, and over the last 10 years I have seen and supported the removal of many, last year was more focused around the Magdalene and Christos light and how it's been supresed.

This year I am starting to witness specific Atlantean implants in my clients, over and over. I saw the intricacies of how to take them off as they are very technical and advanced, staying hidden in the auras and light body until the soul has expanded to a specific vibration. 


There are 3 in particular we will be working to remove and if you are reading this I have no doubt it is time for you to remove them because they are binding your gifts and powers in a specific way.  My message has been that I have to reach more people to help remove these, and to empower the person to do it themselves, then they can go on to remove them from others as it brings them to your awareness.


These implants have been holding gifts of sight and sound frozen on the Altantean timeline, of which I believe most of us have had at least 1 life as it spanned hundreds of years. We will be doing a lot of work around your heart and above, the third eye and throat centre's. To open your inner Sight and voice.


Once we have moved through light body clearing and removal of implants and from false grids we will awaken your crytsal connection and relationship to crystals and crystal skulls which was abundant in Atlantis.  As a crystal skull guardian in Sirius, Atlantis, and beyond I am very excited about working with the crystal skulls with you. And I have some master skulls here ready to offer transmissions within the Healing temple of light we will create together.




We will be working with:

*Clear quartz


*Black kyanite




And I am sure many stones will flow in to offer wisdom as we move through the activations.



In order to expand and bring back the crystalline technology to earth we must release these encoded implants and false grids we are carrying unconsciously. That were placed within our light body during the Lemurian/Atlantean bridge


The nature and flow of this course develops and moves with the container of people and their needs, we will all becoming together with the same collective themes and wounds to heal. The sessions grow and expand as more information flows in, so it will include the rough framework below but also I am open to the magic and mystery flowing in.


As this is a serious light body clearing course it has asked for a cloaked, safe and secure container, one that I have started work on already, I am calling in a space holder to help guide and anchor the activation and energies with us.


9th November: Module 1 7pm GMT

Journey to the Atlantean Crystal healing temple, Crystalline activation to unlock and open of the light body. Advanced protection and cosmic awareness, accessing your Atlantean gifts, with a focus on the crystals. The intention of this module is the Opening and expansion of the light body in preparation, attuning to the containers high vibrational energy.


16th November: Module 2 7pm GMT

Focus on the Galactic chakras alignment, connection and expansion, Soul star and crown. Removing, cleansing and purifying the light body, sonic healing and activation from the Arcturian's and crystals skulls.


23rd November: Module 3  7pm GMT

Advanced Protection with Obsidian and Selenite, working with the seals of light on the 7 layers of protection blueprint.


30th November: Module 4 7pm GMT

Advanced protection- Focus on the third eye with Labradorite, removing, cleansing and purifying distortion from Atlantis.Re-grounding and anchoring, activations from the Arcturian's. The intention of this module is the reclaiming your crystal wisdom and ways you have worked with the crystals in the past.



one or 3 instalments



  • I reserve the right to consider and refuse any person enrolling if I feel the time is not right or aligned for them/us (better wording)

  • You will be asked to sign a form as a written commitment of intent to your healing.

  • Due to the sensitive healing nature of this course, it will be only recorded for the container and NOT for sale after. in this moment this is a one time course.

What are you recieving?

  • Crystals that will support you on this course.

  • Access to the course platform. The course structure will be a mixture of live and prerecorded formats. You will have access to all 4 recordings through the course platform. If you have not done a course with me before, everything will be sent to you on sign up.

  • Each weekly module will includee receiving activation wisdom and guided journey work.  We will be weaving in the crystals, sound and angelic/light language.

  • You will receive the Angelic seals of light (light codes) for protection of your being, space, home and land.

  • Plus you will also receive Fiats and Decrees of light for your spiritual development.


You will have unlimited access to these videos to continue to work through as a healing that GROWS WITH YOU.  You can therefore do these activations and meditations over and over and each time you will receive something that assists where you are at that time on your journey.

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Client course Review

"The sense of homecoming I experienced during Katie-Jane's "Crystal Heart of Lemuria" has been one of the most profound in my lifetime. Every word and sound uttered felt like magic. Magic tailored specifically for me and for my growth, healing, and transformation. Ideas, memories, and guidance I didn't know I needed to know, presented itself in such an exciting and intoixingly beautiful way. My heart continues to feel lighter, more joyful, and more playful daily. For the first time in so long, I feel connected to my soul and star families and can truly embody the fact that I do not walk alone in this lifetime by any means."  Lindsay, Crystal Heart of Lemuria

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