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Origin-  Welo district of Ethiopia.

Care-Don not cleanse with water!! these crystals are more stable than previously mined, but it is still a porous stone that absorbs water and changes its transparency or opacity. These pieces should be able to  reverse back to its original state without cracking.

Size-1.5cm x 1.5cm


Inspires love, joy, hope, purity and innocence.


It is a Hydrophane Opal that forms in nodules within volcanic ash in layers of rhyolite.  It occurs in a variety of colors and patterns with brilliant flashes of color. 


Ethiopian opal wishes to seek out the broken parts within you so that it can seek to mend,  it intensifies emotions whilst doing this,  it utilizes its water energy, the stillness, quiet strength and purification which it passes to you. Boosting your will to live and joy of your earthly existence, inspiring love and passion. Working closely with the sacral and root it will work to unite all your subtle bodies into harmony.


If you have one with a red or brown glow it holds a powerful fire energy full of ancient wisdom and an ability to burn off past karma, clearing the way for re-birth.


Opal holds a soul holograph which makes it easier to tune into your soul's divine blueprint, helping you to access past, present and future, stimulating all your metaphysical gifts.


It is a seductive stone, associated with love and passion, desire and eroticism. It can be used to intensify what one is feeling and to release inhibitions.


Do be aware that if you are an airy type, it can divide and scatter your energy so  be sure to be grounded and centered before using Opal, work with brown and black stones alongside it to aid integration. 


As an Earth Worker- it connects with dragon energy for personal and planetary use. You can send its healing energy into the earth energy field to repair drains, to re-energize and stabilize the grid.



It is a good ally for protection, shielding you from negative thoughts and energies and burning off karma.   Its energy when summoned and asked to band around you produces a cloak of invisibility  for when you are traveling through planes and do not wish to be seen. A good tool of light for shamanic journeying.


It becomes a prism of light within the aura, becoming and shining the light on the full spectrum of seen and unseen colors in your being, in doing this It soothes and clears lower vibrational emotions.



It is a stone for all light children, rainbow and crystal children, and those of a lemurian frequency.

 It is called opallios in Greek, meaning ‘to see a change in color’  ederos meaning ‘the child of love’



Known as the ‘eye stone’ dedicated to the eyes,  it soothes any eye complaints, strengthening the sight, and any diseases of the eye.  Due to its water content and the way it was created it can support the body's water content, overcoming dehydration, or supporting water retention.


As a purifier it purifies the blood and kidneys, and regulates insulin production. It helps reduce fever, stimulates memory. 


Fertility- Opal is supportive in issues with female hormones, PMS and menopause, and provides comfort and ease during childbirth.

If you love the energy of Opal you could consider my 3 week Diamond sun body activation course see courses page 

Ethiopian Opal

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  • Care-Do not cleanse with water!! these crystals are more stable than previously mined, but it is still a porous stone that absorbs water and changes its transparency or opacity. These pieces should be able to  reverse back to its original state without cracking.

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