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Chakra alignment- Hara line, higher chakras, earth star and root.

Origin-Mexico and lapidated in Mexico.

Approx Size-6cm x 6cm depth-1cm


Personal power, direction, mystic wise energy,  soul mirror.


A stone for all the priestess,  this Goddess Isis talisman is a symbol of the Egyptian goddess of love, healing, fertility, magic, and the moon.  Perfect for any grid work or goddess altar.


Connect with mystic energy through this stone of the ancients,  an excellent tool for gazing and accessing knowledge from the past.


It will reveal the heart of a problem or situation in the present, while only  reflecting that which is needed in our life for healing, it does not provide the healing. this is where her gift lies, in the empowerment and fire she brings you.  It will give insight into the paths of action available to you to bring about change.


Gold Sheen Obsidian allows us to commune with the Source of all being, unversal conciousness, mother/father god, great spirit, and all the names for source in between.  connecting us with the golden ray of christ conciousness and assisting us in filling our being with it.  


There is a dance of light and dark within its energy signiture that this stone invites you to take with it, movement and flow being important to it. To move through the shadows with ease and grace, as it reminds you that YOU ARE THE DIVINE.


This fire and confidence I spoke of helps to you to realign your personal power with the Divine to bring direction and clarity.


It is useful for bringing out our hidden talents and to manifest our true calling.


It is one of my favorite stones when I provide shamnic healing work, not only is is very pretective,  I love the way it reflects truth and divinity on all lower vibrational aspects- seeking them out as if its, its mission.


Gold Sheen Obsidian gets to the root of any problem, it can be worn or carried for all diagnostics work, when woring with a client as a healer or even on yourself it will scan your body and support you in finding root causes of dis-ease. 


*Obsidian has really stepped up its energies to help transmute all around and within us, to help us focus on shadow work and meet it, view it, acknowledge it and move through it feeling very held.


*It grounds your energy, clears subconscious blocks, brings understanding, wisdom and love, and is a strong earth healer, and can be used to seek our disruption in the grids and earths energy systems.


* It can reveal many secrets, and it can answer your biggest questions about life and love. It can show you the meaning of the deepest mysteries of your life


*It can awaken the inner warrior in you, keeping your integrity in check.


*It has subtle male energies that attract spiritual adventures.


*A powerful healer for those who are ready, not to be used unconsciously, it can be used for divination, protection, grounding and scrying.


*It can develop your clairvoyant abilities and strengthens the third eye.


Gold Sheen Obsidian hand carved Goddess Isis

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  • *Crystals are an aid to healing and should never be used instead of medicine or a course of treatment.

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