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Origin- Madagascar

Chakra alignment- Third eye  and throat.

Approx size- 12cm x 10cm


*Labradorite is a wise grandmother energy, mystic and knowing, put your faith and trust in it to open you up spiritually.  


*It radiates predominant blue crystal energy that stimulates the Throat Chakra, for opening and release 


*Referred to as the "temple of the stars," Labradorite is thought to bring the light of other planetary beings to the soul of the user.


It really connect yo to Lyran root and star energies, labradorite is a star stone that unlocks dormant potential.  It is the ‘Labradorescence’ that is of lyran origin and enclosed in the mineral to bring evolved energies from other worlds to the earth plane. It brings races of a similar frequency together, and is protected by many.



*It is an excellent psychic protector stone, wearing or carrying it allows your magical powers to surface. Her energy is such a mystic, wise woman vibration, I love that she supports you bring deep wisdom surface from your past lives to reclaim and empower you.


*This labradorite wishes to heal and soothe your warrior wounds.  It shows the beautiful visual of you holding it and it cracks open, and its white and rainbow light is sent to the wounds in your body.  Specifically the hands, it has a real interest in healers' hands and supporting sensitivity there. 


It will support any upgrades happening in the eyes.



*It works to open your third eye, whilst still protecting your energy body. Its a real must have for healers, or anyone starting their healing journey. I direct its energy to my third eye when I feel any tension there, as it pulsing its light through and release that pressure instantly.


*PSYCHIC ENHANCER//AWAKENS GIFTS-It enhances clairvoyance, telepathy and communication with higher guides, spirits and help in accessing Akashic records, psychic readings and past-life recall.


*It provides an ease in moving between the worlds, giving you a safe and grounded return to the present.


*It brings out the best in people, balancing any negative sides to our personality



It supports the breath- the lungs and may assist with respiratory problems, bronchitis, and colds. 

It supports and assists in digestion, regulation, and metabolism.


Labradorite Ganesha Carving

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