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Chakra alignment- Heart, Base/Root.

Origin- Atlas Mountains,Morocco

Arrox Size-28cm x 19cm (Extra Large)

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This Green fluorite is a connectors to the Atlantean Emerald tablet technology, a bridge to healing and clearing the timelines of Atlantis and any distortions sent through them.


A veyr hefty bold energy for any space to bring connection, foresight and healing, 


Any healer that works with Thoths frequency or the emerand ray, as well as wanting to acess deeply clearing work to bring balance through their egyptian past lives.  This is a strong bold energy, with the energies of the emerald flame wanting to asist transmuting


* Green Fluorite is my favourite focus stone, it cools down the crown and mind, reigning all of your energy in, freezing all the noise around your head and helping to create new pathways for energy,  to bring clarity to situations.


* It works on the mind, and the metal field in a very efficient way- it's a great stone for anyone who is studying or who gets easily distracted.


*It opens the heart in waves, while it's cool energy calms emotional and situations that can arise, grounding that energy down to the earth.


*it brings great inner guidance and the ability to connect with your guides. 


*Great for classes, circles and workshops and it stabilizes group energy, bringing an open, sharing spirit and the willingness to work together.


*I feel this piece holds a lot of the blue ray,  enhancing your spiritual awakening through its connection to the Third Eye Chakra. It heightens intuition, clarity and focus. It has a calming, serene energy that helps with anxiety.


*It's a good tool to remove fear from the third eye, bringing clarity and focus to your inner sight and the way you 'see' and interpret situations.


*Hold it to give yourself a boost of calm clarity, a general positive outlook on whatever the situation.


Large Green Fluorite.

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  • This crystal can be cleansed in anyway.


    Crystals are an aid to healing and should never be used in place of medication or a course of treatment from a doctor.

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