Origin- Mexico, Carved in Mexico.
Chakra Alignment- Root and Earth star chakras.
Approx size- 2cmx2cm
*I will select one for you very simillar to this piece.
Empowers isolation and loneliness, helps us to let go and surrender, dissolving emotional blocks.
This is a great crystal to hold on the right hand to connect with your masculine side to open it up and receive, it will bring fire and motivation.
Its a 'seeker' stone that wishes to help you identify parts of you that are hiding, in the shadows, its here to teach you the dance of light and dark, it dissolves emotional blocks so you can let go easier and move forwards.
*Obsidian has really stepped up its energies to help transmute all around and within us, to help us focus on shadow work to meet it, view it, acknowledge it and move through it feeling very held.
*It holds the elements of fire, water and earth. Which combines a balance of the masculine and feminine.
*It grounds your energy, clears subconscious blocks, brings understanding, wisdom and love
* It can reveal many secrets, and it can answer your biggest questions about life and love. It can show you the meaning of the deepest mysteries of your life.
*It can awaken the inner warrior in you, keeping your integrity in check.
*It has subtle male energies that attract spiritual adventures
*A powerful healer for those who are ready, not to be used unconsciously, it can be used for divination, protection, grounding and scrying.
*helps to develop your clairvoyant abilities and strengthens the third eye.
Snowflake Obsidian tumble stone
*Crystals are an aid to healing and should never be used instead of medicine or a course of treatment.