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~ Live and recorded
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Womb Awakening with the Bees

5/5 Portal Online workshop


The wisdom keepers, alchemists & gatekeepers of the mysteries of the cosmic mother and the great goddess. An online workshop for anyone wanting to connect deeper with their womb. Who is new and curious, those who are at any point in their healing journey and reclaming of the womb & sexual organs.

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Healing with Cleavelandite


I was guided to create this healing space for you with a sense of urgency to support the collective at this time of fast shifts, it is with the support of Cleavelandite which will reset the nervous system, calm overwhelm, and support the integration of high levels of energy.

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'Activating The Crystalline Ankh light body with Quartz'

Working with the frequencies of the Divine Mother, Holy Priestess of Isis, Hathor, the Magdalene. within the Healing Temples of Lemuria


Join me in this gathering of high frequencies set and held in loving intent, to experience the healing activations of the crystal ANkh, as passed through Master Saint Germain through from its seeding of light in Atlantis.

This will be recorded on 12:12 portal and shared with you on the same day so you can to harness the potency of this time. 

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'Bridge of light'

Angelic Portal Grid work with Selenite

This is a container to receive high frequency light and guidance and healing from your Angelic team. 


It is guided journey work and activations with many layers. Working with the planetary unity grid, the crystalline core of Gaia and the diamond 5/6D templates of Lemurian and new grid templates.  

it is potent for 11:11 but you can listen to it at any time (and done over and over to receive new information)

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Wow this was incredibly powerful and so activating thank you so much Katie-Jane for recording this for us. I did this twice and the first time I had such an emotional release and felt so much angelic and loving beings around me


Bridge of Light - Angelic Activation

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